Lender ordering for manual sends

Settings > Lender > Ordering

What is it used for?

When you are wanting to manually push to a lender, the order they appear is dictated by the Lender Ordering. Within here you can also "Disable" a lender from being visible to be sent to.

How to set up Lender Ordering:

  1. Type in the name you wish to call this Ordering
  2. This will limit the number of lenders that appear on the send to lender screen
  3. If you have multiple sites / branches / sub accounts you can choose which Lender Ordering is used at each
  4. To change the order, "drag & drop" to the position you want the lender order in  
  5. You can Enable and dissable certain lenders if you want them visible to send to or not

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Colleague view:

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