Settings > Account > Users
The "Users" are your colleagues that have access and a login to the system.
Adding a User:
- We suggest using the individuals email address or their forename and surname joined together (i.e. petersmith)
- If you have any temporary staff or know a colleague will no longer be using the system, you can input an "Expiry" date and the system will de-activate them on that date
- If you have created "Custom Roles" and included certain individuals into that role, you can include them in here
- If you have a Master account with several sub-accounts, you can assign individual colleagues to have access to one or multiple accounts
- You can then also set the user's default access to be a particular account or sub-account
Editing a User:
- Should you need to change the password of a User
When you have the rules in place to "Assign Applications" to Users:
- Categories can be chosen here and this user will only be assigned applications where the customer fits into that particular Category
- Sources can be chosen here and this user will only be assigned applications where the source has been specified.