Can I keep my number?

It’s possible to keep your number when making calls from AutoConvert.

This does require some work from both sides…

Stage 1
As a confirmatory measure, we need to trigger our telephony provider to call your number, you’ll need to answer this call and enter a code we’re given at the time of the call. We usually just call your mobile and then trigger the call to the number you want to keep as the system only gives you about 30 seconds to enter this code. After this process, we’ll be able to configure AutoConvert so calls made display your current phone number to the customer. This will sort the outbound calls.

Stage 2
To complete the loop any inbound calls will still route to your current phone provider so these calls need to be forwarded to AutoConvert. To do this your current phone provider needs to forward calls to the AutoConvert number you were given which is usually a quick easy task for them but it’s worth checking they can do this. Once we have the outbound number approved for use we can make the switch whenever your current phone provider is ready to do the forwarding.

Stage 3
When the above 2 steps are done, we can request for your current number to be moved over to AutoConvert. The time varies when the transfer takes place which is why we need to complete stages 1 and 2 first. Once the number moves over to AutoConvert it will just mean your current phone provider is out of the picture with inbound calls – the forwarding will not be required as calls will route directly to AutoConvert.

If you would like to do this, please contact support.