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Action triggers

Actions triggers give you the ability to set up your own custom buttons which can perform one or more actions. The actions can be any of the actions from automation. For further information on actions, please lookup Automation from the knowledge base.

Prerequisites for this feature

  • You need to have the custom role "Can manage action triggers" in order to see this feature.

Navigate to - Settings > Automation > Action triggers

Add new Action Triggers by clicking the Add button at the top right. You can set up as many action triggers as you like.

As an example, and to help explain how flexible this feature can be, we’ll set up a button that a sales executive could press when a sale is agreed. Upon pressing, we’ll get AutoConvert to, 1. Change the status of an application, 2. Email their manager and 3. Ring an electronic bell.


When you view an application on AutoConvert after an Action trigger has been added you’ll see the top-right menu has changed.


For AutoConvert to pick up this button has been pressed we need to set up an automation trigger. There’s more in-depth help within a specific Automation knowledgebase, for the purposes of this, we assume you’re familiar with Automation.

Navigate to - Settings > Automation > Configure

We first need to pick up on the button being pressed so create a new automation and select the trigger you’ve just set up (as below)


Now you’re into the normal automation features so you can just start to add the actions you’d like to happen. For our example we wanted to do three actions and you can see an example of how that would look here.


You’ll see that I’ve added some sub-status rules into this automation to stop the same actions being triggered more than once. Another good way to manage this especially if you have multiple Action triggers would be to add a category via automation when a button is pressed and check for this instead of within the rules.